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Maintenance of industrial vacuum cleaner

Industrial vacuum cleaner by multistage high pressure blower fan, vortex,vortex air pump, vortex vacuum pump barrel body is pumped into vacuum, the negative pressure increases rapidly, high negative pressureair inlet flow rapidly through the barrel, bucket cleaning brush andvacuum tube, air flow carrying solid particles need to be collected andprocessed into a barrel body, a filter bag is connected with the air inlet,the inner surface of the solid is attached to the bag, first filtered airthrough the filter bag slot, and the two filter, can make the air to achieve discharge standards, the filtered air through the vent fan or pump into the the exhaust duct, the final row back to the workshop, in order to reduce the energy, especially the loss of heat energy.

Negative pressure is higher, the stronger the suction, suction mouthaperture width, the increase of the flow rate, the corresponding negative pressure suction is smaller, smaller, by choosing suitable model, can make the negative pressure to keep within the scope of a constant, learnto adapt to different materials and processing.

Care and maintenance:

1 timely cleaning barrel debris and the vacuum cleaner accessories, dust bag dust lattice in every work after cleaning, check there is noperforation or leakage, and detergent and warm water to thoroughly clean the dust lattice and dust bag, and dry, prohibited the use of dustlattice is not dry dust bag.

2 check the power line and a plug is broken, after the power coil is woundinto a bundle and hung on the head cover cleaner hook.

5 the machine should be discontinued in ventilated and dry place.

6 cleaning machine, please wipe with a damp cloth water or neutraldetergent, host header is immersed in water for cleaning, do not use gasoline, bananas, water and other corrosive cleaner, otherwise it willlead to shell cracking.

7 don't make the machine at work for a long time, continuous workingtime please control within 2 hours, otherwise it will affect the service life of the machine.

7 don't make the machine at work for a long time, continuous workingtime please control within 2 hours, otherwise it will affect the service life of the machine.

8 the long-term use of a vacuum cleaner, because the mesh screen blocking and cause the suction decline.

In order to prevent the suction drop, should be regularly cleaned with water bag filter and washed, dry it in the shade to use, can restore the suction. In order to prevent the suction drop, should be regularly cleaned with water bag filter and washed, dry it in the shade to use, can restore the suction.

9 if the host a fever, burning, or have abnormal vibration and noise,should be timely repair, do not use.

10 the hose is not frequently folded, not excessive tension and bending.

Peng Xin Industrial vacuum cleaner can absorb dust, solid material, andoptional paper bag, the dangerous or expensive material to achieve the purpose of recycle. The use of Peng Xin Industrial vacuum cleanersbenefit: 1), reduction of pollutant emissions; 2), to improve the workshop environment; 3), the precious powder, Recyclable and the saving of purchasing costs; 4), reduce employee occupation disease incidence rate, reduce the heavy metals pollution around the plant dye. Please click the details:

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Shenzhen Peng Du Xing Industrial Co., Ltd. Copyright @ 2009 All Rights Reserved Record:05092749
Address:Xili Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen cattle into the village (Gem Highway) The second Industrial Zone, 6