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Air pollution in Asia Pacific storm or aggravate

Xinhua news agency, Washington in April 14, 14 days, American researchersreport in a new period USA "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences"says, the simulation results show that, the Asian regional air pollution may increase the Pacific storm.

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory researchers using the global model,simulation and compared current and historical pollution situation, results,affected by the air pollution in Asia, "the North Pacific aerosol optical thicknessincreased significantly," convective cloud sea become more thick more high,cause the atmosphere to the top band and long wave "cloud radiation"strengthen.

The study shows that: suspended particulate matter pollution generated as cloud condensation nuclei and nuclei, can change the Pacific storm system in the cloud microphysical and optical properties of effective. More importantly,through interaction with the cloud, particles can change the heat distribution in the storm system. To change the dynamic characteristics of storm, the stormintensified.

Pacific storm system is an important part of the global atmospheric circulation,plays the role of heat and moisture transfer to higher latitudes. Therefore, the storm system is enhanced due to air pollution in Asia also has an importanteffect on the weather system in other parts of the world, there are potentialassociated with the observed back many abnormal weather conditions of winter in the northern hemisphere. About the relationship between Asia weather pollution and specific extreme weather changes also need a great deal of research.

The new study underscores the suspended particles in air, especially theanthropogenic emissions of particulate pollution impact on the global rangeinner cloud, precipitation and atmospheric circulation system. Therefore, in the development of a global climate prediction and the formulation of relevant international policy, need to consider the impact of suspended particles in addition to greenhouse gases other than the.

With the development of modern industrialization is accelerating the pace, the consequent harm is also growing. Such as textile, pharmaceutical, electronic,mechanical processing, metal processing and other industries, they are in the process of industrial production, has been to produce a lot of pollution, in order to reduce the environmental impact of dust, ashes and other junk, now a large part of the enterprise has been in the mechanical equipment factoryinstalled on industrial vacuum cleaner factory, and improve the work environment, but also reduces the probability of the accident. Pengduxin international Electromechanical manufacturing industrial vacuum cleanerseries, applicable to the pharmaceutical, electronics, food processing,machinery processing, metal processing and other places, can be used with aproduction line and production equipment.

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